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  • Author Indexing
  • Automatic Indexing
  • Breaking
  • Design Checklist
  • Framemaker Q&A
  • Index Depth
  • Indexing Revival [PDF]
  • Indexing with Excel
  • Israel Indexing
  • Letter Heads
  • Liungman
  • MS Word Index Fixes
  • MS Word Index Syntax
  • Online Indexing
  • Paperless
  • Proofing
  • SGML Indexing
  • STC 1999
  • Why Indexing Fails

  • Fun Indexing Survey

  • Seth's Blog

  • Looking for an indexer?
    I write professional indexes all year long. Your project is my bread and butter. Book and encyclopedia subjects I've indexed include

    • computers and Internet, science and engineering, mathematics and statistics
    • technical manuals of all kinds
    • management, sales, investment, human performance
    • nursing, midwifery, health care, drugs, hospital administration
    • law enforcement, forensics, national security, capital punishment
    • and much more: trains, the Midwest, economics, neuroscience, team sports, traffic design, video, and religion.
    My clients are equally diverse, from Microsoft to Mercedes Benz to the Milbank Memorial Fund. I also index websites and build controlled vocabularies and taxonomies. To discuss your project further and how I can help, write me at seth@maislin.com.

    Custom Indexing Instruction.
    Formal training is important, and it's not ornery. I've trained experienced and new indexers, technical writers, editors, and placement professionals who work with indexers. They all say my indexing workshops are FUN! I offer everything from custom in-house training to one-on-one mentoring. I can also provide assistance in developing indexing standards and specialized tools documentation. Send your queries to seth@maislin.com. It's worth exploring.

    Personalized, Detailed Index Evaluations.
    Don't have the time or budget for full training? The answer is evaluation. I offer complete index evaluations for $100-$300, regardless of index length or complexity. This isn't about finding mistakes. These evaluations cover everything: topic inclusion, structure and subentry use, language, audience accessibility, usability, multiple posting, ... even appearance! You'll receive clear documentation of where there's room for improvement, and how to do it. Without trained, objective, professional feedback, it's impossible to do your job well. So send your queries to

    Instructional Audio CDs Now Available.
    I've produced two instructional seminars on indexing and index evaluation. Learn more.

    Frequently Asked Questions.
    After years of inquiries, I've decided to post my answers to the most common questions. If you can't find your answers in my Indexing and Information Architecture FAQ, you'll just have to write me and help me to keep the Q&A process going.

    Seth's Indexing Experience.
    Formerly the senior indexer at O'Reilly & Associates and the taxonomist and content integration manager at Terra Lycos, Inc., Seth is once again dedicated to full-time freelance indexing and information architecture consulting. He is a regularly invited conference presenter; webmaster for STC's Indexing SIG; instructor at Middlesex Community College (and formerly at Bentley College); trainer at nSight, Inc.; and a long-time national board member of the American Society of Indexers. He also has been interviewed for television and newspaper (and would love to do it again).

    magic viewfinder

    Indexing FAQ

    email seth

    "I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done."

    --Stephen Wright 

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