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State of the Textbook Indexing World
TAA Podcast Series
Recording available from August 25, 2010

You might take that alphabetized list of words and page numbers for granted, but there's turmoil inside the textbook indexing world. First there's the ongoing challenge of people not understanding what indexing is about, a world where production editors are always just out of college, authors are forced to pay, and jobs are going to countries where English isn't a first language. The rise of e-books has reintroduced a significant problem that first appeared in the early 1990s: wholly inferior tools. E-book indexes do not work, literally. How does this affect writing? Join us for a lively discussion about how we find things ... or not.

Practical Tagging and Keyword Invention
Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information Science
Institutes for Continuing Education
Boston, Massachusetts
October 23, 2010

Knowing how to control a vocabulary is important, but what if you don't have a vocabulary? This workshop provides participants with a simple algorithm for inventing all those words you forgot to invent last time, along with several practical examples, followed by critical suggestions on where and how to apply them. Whether you're an indexer looking to lengthen your index, or a website owner looking to get more Google hits, you'll appreciate a fast, fresh look at words, words, words.
workshop link.

Cloud Indexing (seminar)
ASI Annual Meeting and Conference
Providence, Rhode Island
April 2011

The future of indexing -- or at least one predictable future -- is "cloud indexing," where indexes are written not by a single professional indexer but by any number of passionate subject matter experts. What would those indexes look like? What are their benefits and their disadvantages? Is this a utopian future? Explore the possibilities in this engaging workshop, designed to force indexers to question what they think about their work.
Visit the home page for ASI's 2011 Providence Conference.

Indexing with Kids (panel)
ASI Annual Meeting and Conference
Providence, Rhode Island
April 2011

Description and panelist names to come.
Visit the home page for ASI's 2011 Providence Conference.

A Taxonomy Case Study (panel)
ASI Annual Meeting and Conference
Providence, Rhode Island
April 2011

Proposed topic only, without confirmation. Description to come.
Visit the home page for ASI's 2011 Providence Conference.

Principles of Indexing (full-day workshop, proposed)
ASI Annual Meeting and Conference
Providence, Rhode Island
April 2011

Learn the foundational principles of indexing and how to apply them effectively and profitably in this highly informational and dynamic workshop. Whether you're starting your indexing career or just looking for formal instruction, this workshop will fortify you as an indexer and (even more important) an index-thinker. Starting with the Three Easy Steps of Indexing, Seth leads participants to understand the logic and challenges behind all indexing decisions: topic inclusion, subheading construction, page numbers and cross references, language selection, sorting, and usability concerns. Lively in-class discussion is encouraged, and additional topics (tools, careers, deadlines) will be introduced upon request. Hands-on examples are provided, with discussion extending into the indexing of non-print content. Participants will learn how to find balance between the needs of client, indexer, and readers.
Visit the home page for ASI's 2011 Providence Conference.

Selected Presentation History
(in reverse chronological order)

Assistive and Automatic Tools for Tagging and Categorizing Anything
2010 Semantic Technology Conference
San Francisco, California
June 2010

Details TBA.
conference home page.

Principles of Indexing: full-day workshop
American Society for Indexing Annual Meeting and Conference
Minneapolis, MN
May 13, 2010

Learn the foundational principles of indexing and how to apply them effectively and profitably in this highly informational and dynamic workshop. Whether you're starting your indexing career or just looking for formal instruction, this workshop will fortify you as an indexer and (even more important) an index-thinker. Starting with the Three Easy Steps of Indexing, Seth leads participants to understand the logic and challenges behind all indexing decisions: topic inclusion, subheading construction, page numbers and cross references, language selection, sorting, and usability concerns. Lively in-class discussion is encouraged, and additional topics (tools, careers, deadlines) will be introduced upon request. Hands-on examples are provided, with discussion extending into the indexing of non-print content. Participants will learn how to find balance between the needs of client, indexer, and readers. Online description.

Revitalizing Your Chapter Meetings
American Society for Indexing Annual Meeting and Conference
Minneapolis, MN
May 14, 2010

Co-presented with Diana Witt. An informal workshop, with plenty of time for Q&A on how to develop topics and sources for dynamic chapter programs, including how to produce and deliver virtual meetings. Primarily of interest to Chapter leaders, this workshop welcomes members of chapters and SIGs who wish to take a more active role in helping prepare programs of interest to their members. Online description

Conference home page

Practical Tagging and Keyword Invention
Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information Science
Institutes for Continuing Education
Boston, Massachusetts
March 20, 2010

Knowing how to control a vocabulary is important, but what if you don't have a vocabulary? This workshop provides participants with a simple algorithm for inventing all those words you forgot to invent last time, along with several practical examples, followed by critical suggestions on where and how to apply them. Whether you're an indexer looking to lengthen your index, or a website owner looking to get more Google hits, you'll appreciate a fast, fresh look at words, words, words.
workshop link.

Cross Mapping Taxonomies
Taxonomy Community of Practice (TaxoCoP)
Wednesday, March 3, 2010, at 1pm ET

Learn how to bring together multiple existing taxonomies for unified use. Most organizations today have multiple repositories in place; a single system environment is increasingly rare. As a result, more taxonomies are being created, but these vocabularies need to be combined or merged, whether to create a unified enterprise taxonomy from those of separate departments, to bring together taxonomies resulting from acquisitions of companies or product lines, or to reconcile folksonomies with taxonomies. This session looks at three key ways that taxonomies may be combined for different purposes: integrating, merging, or mapping. Co-presented with Heather Hedden. Registration link.

Make Better Decisions: Content in Context
AIIM online webinar
February 10, 2010

While it may feel good to make a “snap” or “gut-instinct” decision, it’s always better to make any decision based on information. A decision backed up by the best information to which you have access. In many organizations, the needed information is there, but it is spread out and basically worthless – or only accessible via the silos in which it’s stored. Information that can’t be found and acted upon is only taking up space. So, how do you go beyond your gut to gain access to the information you need to make well-informed decisions? You need to ensure that your information (both the unstructured text in documents and the rows and columns in databases) is embedded in your business processes: accessible where the workers are and can act on the information. There is a cost in missed opportunities and poor or misinformed decisions without this complete picture of all of your organization’s information. Discover the value of access to information -- ALL of your information, data and documents -- for improved decision-making and pointers so that you can begin to take positive steps to make it happen for you.

A Is for Arbitrary
American Society for Indexing, New England Chapter (NE-ASI)
Fall Conference
Lexington, Massachusetts
September 19, 2009

Alphabetical order, despite its illusory appearance of being easy to implement, is a terrible way to organize things. We don’t think, talk, or act alphabetically, nor are we limited to the alphabet when we think, talk, and act. Let’s take some time to explore all of the other, better sorting options, learn how to implement them practically, and find lots of good excuses to abandon the boring A to Zzzzz.

Indexing Application in Print and Digital Media

Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information Science
Institutes for Continuing Education
Boston, Massachusetts
most recent workshop: June 2009
offered regularly since 2006

Writing Indexes for Books and Websites: 30-Hour Online Certificate Program

Over the Internet, hosted by Middlesex Community College, Massachusetts
most recent semester: June-August 2009
offered regularly since 2005

Principles of Indexing

American Society for Indexing
Portland, Oregon
April 23, 2009

A Is for Arbitrary

American Society for Indexing
Portland, Oregon
April 24, 2009

Automatic Tagging and Categorization

American Society for Indexing
Portland, Oregon
April 24, 2009

Practical Keyword Invention

Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information Science
Institutes for Continuing Education
Boston, Massachusetts
March 14, 2009

Auto Tagging Requirements & Advances

Taxonomy Community of Practice Series
Earley & Associates
March 4, 2009

Information Architecture in Web Design (course IN-919C)

Bentley College
Waltham, Massachusetts
offered regularly since 2004

Index Editing Panel

New England Chapter, American Society of Indexers
2008 Spring Meeting
Chelmsford, Mass.
April 5, 2008

Taxonomy, Folksonomy, Plutonomy

Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP)
Boston, Mass.
May 29, 2008

Tips & Tricks for the Do-It-Yourself Indexer

Text and Academic Authors Association (TAA)
phone seminar
May 8, 2008

Taming the Beast: How to Develop an Enterprise Taxonomy
to Support 200 Million Documents

AIIM - The Enterprise Content Management Association
International Exposition & Conference
Boston, Mass.
March 4, 2008

Book Indexing Basics
Roundtable Discussion on Writing Indexes

Text and Academic Authors Association (TAA)
2007 Conference on Text and Academic Authoring
Buffalo, New York
June 22-23, 2007

Show Me the Money: The Business Side of Indexing

New England Chapter of the American Society of Indexers (NEASI)
Chelmsford, MA
Saturday, April 29, 2006. Starts at 9:30 a.m.

Indexing as a Career

Middlesex Community College
February 17, 2005 in Woburn, Mass. at 6pm
March 5, 2005 in Lowell, Mass. at 9am

What Is an Index? and How to Write Quality Indexes

TEKOM Annual Conference 2004
Wiesbaden, Germany
10-12 November 2004

A Brief, Comprehensive Indexing Primer

online seminar
October 20, 2004

Web Indexing: an informal online chat

IndexStudents mailing list
May 18, 2004 at 1pm EDT

Keywords for Indexing and Search

telephone seminar
March 10, 2004

Indexing in an Information Age

Israel (three different venues)
December, 2003

When Indexing Isn't Indexing

American Society of Indexers, NYC Chapter
New York City, NY
October 17, 2003

Getting Personal: Individualized Information Delivery

American Society of Indexers
Vancouver, British Columbia
June 2003

Behind the Curtain of Search Engines

American Society of Indexers
Vancouver, British Columbia
June 2003

Keywords Are Key!

Society for Technical Communication
Dallas, Texas
May 2003

Your Teacher's On the Line:
Experience with Phone Seminars

Society for Technical Communication
Dallas, Texas
May 2003

Connecting Search with Indexing

Society for Technical Communication
Dallas, Texas
May 2003

Evaluating an Index

phone seminar
March 19, 2003

Indexing for Nonindexers

nSight, Inc.
Burlington, Massachusetts
November 20, 2001

Unlocking Information: Techniques for Structuring Content

nSight, Inc.
Burlington, Massachusetts
November 5, 2002

Work Methods: A Philosophical and Practical Inquiry

American Society of Indexers
Galveston, Texas
May 2002

XML: A DTD for Indexes

American Society of Indexers
Galveston, Texas
May 2002

Quantum Indexing with Bill and Seth

American Society of Indexers
Galveston, Texas
May 2002

Case Studies in Web Information Structure

Society for Technical Communication
Nashville, Tennessee
May 2002

Indexing Without Page Numbers

Society for Technical Communication
Nashville, Tennessee
May 2002

One-on-One Index Evaluation

Society for Technical Communication
Nashville, Tennessee
May 2002

Indexing for Online Delivery: The New Face of an Old Art

Society for Technical Communication

Online Special Interest Group, Boston Chapter
Andover, Massachusetts
March 6, 2002

Case Studies from Lycos.com

Society for Technical Communication, Boston Chapter
InterChange Conference 2001
Boxborough, Massachusetts
October 15, 2001

Website Architecture

nSight, Inc.
Cambridge, Massachusetts
April 10 and 17, 2001

Lycos Talk Radio

April 9 at 7:30pm EDT (among others)

Expanding Online Indexing

Wisconsin Chapter
Waukesha, Wisconsin
American Society of Indexers
September 2000

Achieving the Ideal Index

American Society of Indexers
Albuquerque, New Mexico
May 2000
Note: A video recording of this presentation is available from C-Span TV. Call 877-ONC-SPAN or go to the BookTV home page and ask for Program No. 57110, "Achieving the Ideal Index." Cost is $29.95 plus $7 shipping.

Search Engines

American Society of Indexers
Albuquerque, New Mexico
May 2000

Indexing the Whole Wide Web. Ha!

American Society of Indexers
Albuquerque, New Mexico
May 2000

Indexing Equals Architecture

Society for Technical Communication
Atlanta Chapter
Atlanta, Georgia
May 2000

Pageless Indexing

American Society of Indexers
Washington DC Chapter
Washington, D.C.
April 2000

Where Indexing Fails: Real-Life Problems (and Even Solutions)

Society for Documentation Professionals
Burlington, Massachusetts
March 2000

Pageless Indexing

American Society of Indexers
Golden Gate Chapter
San Francisco, California
March 2000

Developing an Online Architecture from Scratch

Help University Dallas
Dallas, Texas
November 1999

Indexing in the Online World
Or, Every Web Page Is an Index)

InterChange 1999
Boxborough, Massachusetts
October 1999

Indexing Electronic Media

American Society of Indexers
South California Chapter
Long Beach, California
August 1999

Indexing Online Information:
"If Every Page Were Page Zero..."

Arlington, Virginia
July 1999

A New Generation of Index

Info Online 99
Orlando, Florida
April 1999

Contact Seth at seth@maislin.com

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